The Member Orientation is a part of the New Member 30-day Challenge.
What is that you might ask?
The New Member orientation is a monthly Zoom call that’s mandatory for all new members. The call takes place on the 1st Thursday of every month at 11:00 am.
This month the call will be on November 2, 2017.
It is a 60-minute call each new member is required to attend. On the call, you will receive information about NAWBO and all its benefits and what is required for you as a new member.
Please be available to give a one- minute spotlight about yourself and your company.
It is important that you RSVP for this call and that you dial-in on time.
Link to this call will be sent to new members! Be on the lookout for the invite!
If you are a new member that has fallen through that cracks, please contact me at in advance with your information so that you can be added to the call.
Looking forward to meeting you all.
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