eLearning Series: Leveraging Purchasing Power of Anchor Institutions for your Business

06febAll DayeLearning Series: Leveraging Purchasing Power of Anchor Institutions for your Business

Event Details

Join our upcoming webinar with our partner, Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC), to learn how small business owners, especially those in underserved urban areas, can work with (and benefit from) anchor institutions located in their own backyards.

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On this webinar you will also learn about how the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program can help scale your business as you look to leverage anchor organizations in your region.  Anchor organizations include universities, healthcare organizations, corporations, and arts and culture organizations. They play a significant role in the local economy and have a long-term interest in seeing their local communities thrive (e.g., shared value).

Points of opportunity include:
(1) directing anchor institutional purchasing towards local businesses,
(2) collaborating on workforce development efforts, and
(3) providing networking, consulting and advising opportunities to small businesses. 

Webinar Presenters:

Sonia Moin- Director, Urban Business Initiatives, ICIC
Zach Nieder- Associate Director, Research and Advisory, ICIC 



February 6, 2020 All Day(GMT-05:00)

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