April Facilitated Breakfast Networking: Masterminding

14apr8:00 am10:00 amApril Facilitated Breakfast Networking: MastermindingProblem Solving With Women Business Owners

Event Details


Join us for our Business Breakfast Mastermind

As businesses, we often run into bumps in the road and could really benefit from objective advice and support of other experienced professionals. During this breakfast meeting, you will meet with like-minded businesswomen to:

  • Clarify and discuss your challenges
  • Identify key areas for development
  • Discover potential opportunities for collaboration

We encourage you to bring your most pressing business challenge to the table and let the power of a small group of other brilliant business owners brainstorm solutions with you. This facilitated event will be high impact, productive and fun!

Limited to 20 attendees so first come first served: Purchase your ticket right away!



April 14, 2020 8:00 am - 10:00 am EST(GMT-05:00)

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