Serving Yourself and Others at the Same Time
The phrase “servant leader” brings to mind images of Mother Teresa or Susan B. Anthony when in actuality, there are servant leaders everywhere among us—especially at NAWBO....
The phrase “servant leader” brings to mind images of Mother Teresa or Susan B. Anthony when in actuality, there are servant leaders everywhere among us—especially at NAWBO....
Every once in awhile, we all feel it: Things are coming together and falling into place for something very big to happen....
Courage is faith in our convictions that there is a better way and we have the power to make it happen....
If you want to build a seriously great brand, start on the inside of your business and work your way out....
The key is to recognize the signs of a burn out, and then take control so you don’t burn out, but instead, burn even brighter. ...
Back to reality. But isn’t that the life of a woman business owner? Ups and downs, great stuff followed by not so great stuff....
When it comes to business success, the key is winning and keeping customers. And the key to winning and keeping customers is—and has always been—relationships. I’m not talking about the connections formed through sharing a photo with hundreds of friends on social media or sending an...
Equity and parity—fairness of treatment and equal opportunities and representation—took center stage for women business owners just over 30 years ago when the Women’s Business Ownership Act, H.R. 5050, was passed to further the success and impact of women entrepreneurs. It recognized how women could...
There is a Chinese saying that goes: “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.”...
When I think of the word “diversity,” so many things spring to mind—gender, age, race, national origin, religion, culture, social class, education, sexual orientation, physical abilities or attributes, and political beliefs....