Every once in awhile, we all feel it: Things are coming together and falling into place for something very big to happen. For women business owners and women in general, that time feels a lot like now.
As women business owners, we are starting and growing companies at a faster pace than ever. According to the latest U.S. Census Bureau data, women now own approximately 20 percent (1,118,863) of all employer businesses (5,601,758) nationwide. Additionally, about one-quarter (289,326) of all women-owned employer firms are minority owned. These businesses owned by women generate $3.1 trillion—yes, trillion—in revenue says another report from Guidant Financial.
Women also have seats at more tables than ever, surrounded by more smart, passionate, caring women—whether it’s in a boardroom of executives or around a conference table with local, state or national public policy influencers or makers. A record number of women were elected in the last election and a record number attended NAWBO’s 2019 Advocacy Day to have their voices amplified and heard. Also, NAWBO has sharpened its focus, through a partnership with UCLA, on preparing women leaders for board service. After all, studies show companies with women represented on their boards have better financial performance.
There’s no doubt about it: This is an incredible moment in time for women business owners and women in general to think bigger, reach higher and make life- and business-transforming things happen. This month, our NAWBO members from across the U.S. are doing just that by coming together in Jacksonville, Florida, to connect, be inspired, learn and grow at the 2019 National Women’s Business Conference hosted by NAWBO. Our November issue of NAWBO ONE will recap all the exciting moments and highlights of this event aptly themed “Our Time Is Now.” Whether you make it or not, be sure to read all about it and mark your calendar for next year’s conference on September 22-23, 2020 in Austin, Texas!
Meanwhile, what does this exciting time hold for you? Can you be doing more to take advantage of the current environment? Here are some questions to ask that may lead to more opportunities to impact and grow in the months ahead:
- Can I revisit my growth strategy and add new short- and long-term goals?
- Am I taking full advantage of the latest technology tools available to my business?
- Am I regularly connecting and engaging with like-minded people, whether it’s at NAWBO meetings or conferences or at industry events and trade shows?
- Can I have a voice by calling or writing to my senator or congressperson?
- Would I consider running for local office, where I can impact positive change in my own community?
- Is there an opportunity for board service that would better my leadership and ultimately benefit my company?
- Are there international travel opportunities to explore the beauty and challenges women face in other countries and ways to support them?
- Is there a way to reach down and lift up the next generation of women entrepreneurs so that this incredible trend of women’s business ownership growth continues?
Our time is not tomorrow, next week or next year—IT’S NOW—to think bigger, reach higher and make life- and business-transforming things happen.