I’ve seen NAWBO do so much for so many over the years—including myself—from connecting us with resources, to developing our leadership, to strengthening our voices, to inspiring us to reach higher and farther. And still, I’ve never experienced anything like I’m seeing right now with women business owners supporting other women business owners.
Our members are reaching out to one another to check in and give virtual hugs. They are offering ideas and serving as sounding boards. They are sharing information and resources so that everyone can try to take advantage and benefit. They are providing encouragement and inspiration. They are even collaborating and referring business to each other.
These small acts of thoughtfulness and commitment, during a time when we are all concerned about our own capacity to survive and thrive again, have made such a difference in all of our ability to weather this storm. In fact, as we continue to step up for one another, we’re no doubt making the world a better place.
As the great Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
In this issue of NAWBO ONE, I hope you’ll take note of the many positive stories of creativity and innovation coming out of our organization right now. There’s a NAWBO lawyers group, for instance, that came together at a National conference a few years back. These business and employment lawyers have collaborated during this time to understand and respond to new legislation and ultimately develop a revenue-generating toolkit they can all use.
We also have a story of one member in the events industry that has dramatically pivoted her business approach at just the right time to meet this new era of physical distancing. And there’s another story of a NAWBO chapter that has stepped up to connect and support members right now, plus, launched a successful campaign to help raise money for their community’s food insecure families. It’s the perfect example of our capacity to help ourselves and others at the same time.
It’s stories like these that make me so incredibly honored to have been your NAWBO National Chair for the past year. I’m proud of the impact we’ve made in our communities, states, nationwide and around the world. We have used our collective excellence, power and voice to create positive, lasting change for not only all of us, but for future generations of women business owners.
There’s no group of women I’d rather spend my days stepping up for.