NAWBO NYC Hosts Delegation of French Women Business Owners


The NAWBO NYC board was recently honored to host delegates from the French women business owners organization FCE – Les Femme Chefs d’Enterprise.

It was a clear, beautiful night in New York City, perfect for cocktails and conversation between the business women from New York and Paris. We met at the lovely apartment of NAWBO NYC President-Elect, Elizabeth Foster, in downtown Manhattan, the perfect setting with an unmistakable NY skyline as the backdrop, which our French guests thoroughly enjoyed!

Elizabeth and FCE President Dorotée Elbaz, formally introduced themselves and their organizations. Then each attendee managed their language barrier and introduced themselves with a little background about their business, which ranged from medicine, design, finance, marketing, coaching, private label products and of course, fragrance!

Each attendee affirmed their commitment to the empowerment of women in business and expressed the importance of supporting and encouraging each other, no matter what language we speak or where we live.

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