Peters Brovner represents companies and individuals facing significant investigatory threats, including clients that need to determine the scope of their exposure and those who already require representation before government regulators and prosecutors.We help clients assess risks, conduct thorough, efficient and confidential internal investigations that enable clients to determine whether wrongdoing has occurred and determine what next steps are needed.
We also advise clients on how to proactively address probes to mitigate reputational, brand and litigation risk.
Why did you choose this particular business/industry?
“I’ve always been focused on using my legal knowledge and skills to achieve justice and the best results for the people I represent.”
Who is your ideal client?
“Someone who needs help conducting an internal investigation or dealing with a regulatory agency or governmental investigation. ”
What would your clients say about you?
“That I work hard to understand their problems and am passionate in their defense. ”
What do you love about your life?
“My family, my practice, living in NYC.”