Jeni Abramson

Deep Drawer is a digital marketing agency specializing in the construction and home remodeling sectors.

Why did you choose this particular business/industry

There is a growing gap between the real world of construction and home remodeling and the digital lives of homeowners. This leads to poor access to information when making one of life’s big investments – the home remodel.

Who is your ideal client?

General Contractors.

What would your clients say about you?

We finally have a brand-worthy digital presence.

What do you love about your life?

My family’s ability to persevere and have fun even in tough times.

Why did you join NAWBO?

To feel empowered and connected with other female entrepreneurs.

Deep Drawer is a digital marketing agency specializing in the construction and home remodeling sectors. Our goal is to help remodeling businesses understand what drives homeowners to complete renovation projects and meaningfully engage customers throughout their digital journey.