Helen Todd

We’re community-builders for the brands we work with, and the tools we use enable exponential growth.

Why did you choose this particular business/industry

“Sociality” means people coming together in communities, exchanging ideas, and being social, whether that’s over a dinner table or online. I believe in the power of people connecting with a shared purpose and intention to make positive change.

Who is your ideal client?

Purpose-driven mid-sized consumer facing brands.

What would your clients say about you?

We’re the social media special forces and our work shows how much we care and love what we do.  

What do you love about your life?

I’m grateful for the opportunities to stay curious and continue to grow in all facets of my life on these journeys around the sun.

Why did you join NAWBO?

I love women supporting women.

Please share your social media links

What's your favorite book on business?

Bring Yourself: How to Harness the Power of Connection to Negotiate Fearlessly by Mori Taheripour

What's your favorite podcast?

Dolly Parton’s America 

Name one thing on your bucket list?

To be a space tourist.

Sociality Squared is a social media agency who understands the magic of people coming together around what they value and love. Social media marketing changes at the speed of TikTok, and we’re here to help purpose-driven brands stand out with thumb-stopping content. At Sociality Squared, we build communities and create positive impact through content.