Chris Salboudis

Philo4Thought offers a combination of mentoring and coaching services to meet the needs of today’s young professionals.

Why did you choose this particular business/industry

It’s all about helping others, which has been the focus of my life since early childhood.

Who is your ideal client?

Open minded individuals who aren’t afraid to work hard and persevere to reach their goals.

What would your clients say about you?

I’ve been described as “a tough cookie who is good with her words” by some and a “true Greek” by others for embracing the concept “Philotimo” that is the motto of my nonprofit. My clients tend to like my combination of structure, determination, good humor and optimistic “silver lining” approach to work and life.

What do you love about your life?

There’s always a new adventure, but even the more daunting moments are learning moments, which I appreciate as a professional teacher, coach and administrator. I’ve always loved puzzles, always sought fusion between creativity and logic, and my life allows this to be possible while giving back to the community.

Why did you join NAWBO?

I love the notable solidarity that is present in the workshops and conversations. Professional women need more of that in work and in life.

Philo4Thought Inc. is a philanthropic educational nonprofit foundation designed to help connect emerging and transitioning young professionals with the resources, mentoring and counseling they need to succeed in work and in life. (During COVID our services have been extended to mentoring and counseling more senior professionals facing job loss, small business crises, etc.)