Victoria Kaverina

VIZILOK (VIGI Comfort, Inc) is the owner, manufacturer, and distributor of a new type of privacy locks (now ADA compliant) with the occupancy indicator “IN-­USE” or “VACANT” embedded in the lock rosette.

Victoria Kaverina

Vigi Comfort Inc, DBA Indicator Locks



VIZILOK (VIGI Comfort, Inc) is the owner, manufacturer, and distributor of a new type of privacy locks (now ADA compliant) with the occupancy indicator “IN-­USE” or “VACANT” embedded in the lock rosette. With this new design, the consumers do not need to buy a separate indicator latch or pay for additional installation. Vizilok is an all-­in-­one privacy solution for public restrooms.

Why did you choose this particular business/industry? 

We are striving to make public restrooms a safer, more private and secure place by adding the “In-Use” or “Vacant” occupancy indicator to the standard privacy locks without increased cost involved.

Who is your ideal client?

Renovation construction, hardware resellers, property management

What would your clients say about you?

“I installed three of your locks last year in the Doctor’s sleep rooms. They love them. Been waiting for ADA Compliant to try in the Public Spaces. They are very excited.”

What do you love about your life?

Independence, financial prosperity, ability to make the world the better place one restroom in a time. I wake up every morning excited of the work ahead.